Gr2IT PLUS Yoga Program
This physical training option utilizes yoga poses and practice. A brief optional meditation breathing practice is also included to be used at the end of the yoga practice. This practice emphasizes strength and breathing as energy management. Various options of poses are presented for differing ability levels of students. This ensure that everyone can fully participate. Although many prefer to practice yoga on a mat, gym mats or the base floor are also appropriate for the routines provided, so no new equipment is needed.
Instructors will be taught correct yoga breathing and given verbal cues to explain the importance of flexibility and strength as complementary characteristics in both physical exercise and other areas of life. Research demonstrates that many SEL principles can be taught through yoga and meditation (Butzer et al., 2016).
Butzer, B., Bury, D., Telles, S., & Khalsa, S. B. S. (2016). Implementing yoga within the school curriculum: A scientific rationale for improving social-emotional learning and positive student outcomes. Journal of Children’s Services, 11(11), 3-24. https://doi.10.1108/JCS-10-2014-0044